AHTF Events
AHTF conducts multiple yearly events, including our Virtual 5K Run/Walk in June & our “Happy Hour with a Scholar” event at the ASHT annual meeting.
Read about our upcoming & previous events below.

AHTF 2023 Online Silent Auction Recap
The Online Silent Auction was a tremendous success thanks to all our donors and the participants that helped us raise $3,312. The profit will be used to support grants and scholarships.

AHTF 2023 Happy Hour With a Scholar Recap
The American Hand Therapy Foundation held its biggest fundraiser of the year, the 2023 “Happy Hour with a Scholar” event. Dr. David Green was AHTF’s 2023 Honored Scholar.

2023 Virtual Run/Walk for Hand Therapy Research
Thank you to everyone who participated in and sponsored the American Hand Therapy Foundation’s 8th Annual Virtual Run/Walk to support upper extremity research and education!

AHTF 2022 Happy Hour with a Scholar Recap
AHTF held its biggest fundraiser of the year, the 2022 “Happy Hour with a Scholar.” This year’s Honoree was Mark Baratz, MD. Read a recap of the event and watch Dr. Baratz’s lecture.
Supporting novice or experienced researchers who are able to expand the scientific evidence, visibility, and quality of upper extremity and hand rehabilitation.
Support our mission of promoting high impact clinical and fundamental upper extremity research. Your generosity makes a difference! Support your profession through a tax‑deductible gift today.