CSM 2025

As hand therapists, we belong to many tribes. We are family members, community members, a part of the hand therapy profession, and a part of our mother professions of occupational or physical therapy. I value each of these groups and feel at home among the people there.

This past week, I attended the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association in Houston, Texas. I found myself exploring the experience through my new lens as a member of the American Hand Therapy Foundation board of directors. What I saw was inspirational!

The educational presentations were often based on the research work of the speakers. The passion and excitement of the therapists as they shared the results of their hard work was palpable. Many had thought outside the box and found novel outcomes. If not presenting their own work, speakers brought value to their message by siting the work of others. The audience felt the impact of the information because of the studies that supported it.

I sat in awe of the energy and selflessness of the therapists that had worked years to collect data in their devoted area of practice. I felt proud to be a part of an organization like AHTF who supports their work.

Organizing and carrying out studies is not a skill I possess. But I can be a part of the work by supporting the therapists who have these skills and gifts. And you can too! If you have ever benefited from the research of others in your practice or in a treatment you received, then consider supporting their work by donating to organizations like the AHTF. If you are someone who has the skills to do the work, then let the AHTF help you by applying for one of our grants!

The community of hand therapists is one of interconnected support. All of us are touched by the contributions, whether through donations or through research and education, of each of us.

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